BX Error Codes & Uploading Templates?

To tell you the absolute truth, I'm a little bit confused about this whole bx error code problem thing and the fact that people are getting it when they are trying to change or edit their template(s).

I always thought that if you got a bx error code then that meant that what you wanted to do could be done even though it just couldn't be done at the moment. More than likely you would either have to try again later or report the bx error code problem to Blogger.com.

However if you're trying to add a template other than those of Blogger.com's then there may be a problem in that the html coding of the new template that you are trying to add is missing or corrupt in some kind of way! In that case Blogger.com won't accept it and you won't be able to use the other blog template as your own. You will get a message saying why the template is not being accepted - ie missing or corrupt coding. BUT if you are also getting a bx error code then that is where it is confusing to me because I am thinking that a bx error code problem can be solved while a template that has missing or corrupt coding has to be gone over with a fine tooth comb in order to find the mistakes in the coding.

If your template is not being accepted by Blogger.com - then more than likely there is a problem with the template's coding. - which is something that has to be solved on your end and not Blogger.com's.

However since people are still posting about having this exact same problem and the Blogger.com employees answering some of those posts, I will keep my eyes open just to see if this kind of template problem can be solved by reporting it to Blogger.com!